A reliable-looking news portal turns out to be affiliated with 28.,, and, so once visiting the official site of the beauty and fashion related news can turn people's browsing experienced into hell.Īlthough this website is not dangerous (it does not even contain click-bait ads), but rather looks like a legitimate WordPress blog, it displays a pop-up notification saying that “Site wants to show notifications,” and if the user clicks Allow button, the website drops the extension on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer or another web browser.Ĭonsequently, the web browser starts automatic redirects to its official website or affiliate domains, as well as displays intrusive popups saying “Click to scan your mac,” “Disk is full.
push notifications are reported by many Android, Mac, and Windows users. It is a redirect virus that may display intrusive popups and reroute traffic to affiliate websites
What is ? is a term used to describe a news portal that uses an aggressive scheme for pushing notifications and triggering browser's redirects