The action of the film progresses along with his progress on his play, 'Romeo and Juliet'. As he learns her true identity, they fall in love, and his inspiration for Juliet is borne. He switches his attention from muse to muse until he finally encounters Viola (the ever-radiant Gwyneth Paltrow) who is auditioning for a role of Romeo - disguised as a man. The premise of Shakespeare in Love is that William Shakespeare (wonderfully portrayed by Joesph Fiennes) has lost his will to write. It's a light, fast-paced piece which provides a good feel for the film. The first track ('The Beginning of the Partnership') nicely sets the tone for the rest of the score. So, let me start with my guess of who would not enjoy this score: those only out for action scores. To be a little more specific, I suppose I should also add, 'Absolut Brit'. These are the first two words that spring to mind when I think of this score.